How To Fix Meta Shops Checkout Issue?
What's Meta Shops?
Meta Shops is a feature on Facebook and Instagram that allows businesses to create an online store to showcase and sell their products directly on their Facebook page or Instagram account. It can also be used as a traffic source for your online store. It provides companies with a convenient way to reach customers and drive sales through the Facebook platform.
How to set up a shop on Facebook?
For you to set up a Facebook shop, you need multiple things:
- First, you must have a business account on Meta; if you don’t go to, create one.
- You must move your Facebook page to the new Meta business suite you created.
- You will need to create a catalog with all your products.
- Go to the commerce manager, where you can submit your page and catalog for Facebook to review.
- Once your commerce account is approved, then you will be able to have a Facebook shop.

How do you set up Meta Shops without a website?
You can set up a Meta shop without a website, but this only allows you to link it with Facebook. You will need a different option if you want to link with Instagram; you must have a website because even if your intentions are to use checkout on Facebook and Instagram, your account won’t get approved without one.

How we can Mbial Business help You?
At Mbial Business, we understand the challenges that businesses face in light of Meta’s changes. That’s why we offer a service that allows anyone from Turkey to have a Shop on Instagram or Facebook, as long as they have their own website.
Our service enables businesses to bypass Meta’s policy changes and continue selling on these platforms, helping them reach their target audience and drive sales. So the short answer to if a business from anywhere can get a Shop on Facebook or Instagram is Yes, so please contact us and we can help you.
Meta Shops New Checkout Update:
Meta announced an update in August 2023 about changing the available checkout methods, and this new policy took place in April 2024
Back then, you could choose from 3 methods:
- Checkout by messages: This feature allows you to shop only on Facebook. It helps you list your products easily on your Facebook page. Whenever someone wants to buy, they need to contact you directly via messages. It’s more like selling using your account, but the difference is that it helps you protect your identity.
- Checkout on the website: this feature would allow you to connect both Facebook and Instagram, then you would be able to tag your products, and whenever someone wants to buy, they would click on the tagged product so that Instagram or Facebook would create a redirection to the product page on your store. It would save the pain of going through all your collections or categories, encouraging anyone interested to add the item to the cart and place their order.
- Checkout on Facebook and Instagram: This feature is only accessible to people from the US; what’s good about it is that it would increase the conversion rate because everything will happen directly on the app without the need to go to the website. However, this feature can only be used by US customers. There’s a method to enable it even if you are outside the US, but if your target market isn’t the US, there’s no need to use it.

is there a solution to Meta Shops Checkout Issue?
As mentioned above, these were the previous checkout methods. Still, Meta is forcing anyone who wants to start using this feature to use checkout on Facebook and Instagram because they are somehow losing. As you should know, they want now to be part of the transaction.

About the Author

Facebook & Instagram Shop Expert
Noureddine, Co-Founder of Mbial Business. keep up with me on Instagram @oneeddine
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